Ambiência (May 2008)
Influência da inoculação de Azospirillum sp. em trigo, cevada e aveia / Influence of Azospirillum sp. inoculation in wheat, barley and oats
The aim of this study has been to evaluate the infl uence of inoculation with Azospirillum sp. RAM-7 in wheat, barley and oats on yields, density and N total of grains. The experiments were conducted under fi eld conditions. The treatments involved bacterial inoculation with or without different levels of nitrogen fertilization and absolute control. The inoculation was carried out by the seed coating method with bacterial suspension containing 1010 CFU.mL-1. Statistically signifi cant effects on grain yield in wheat were obtained at the inoculated treatment without any nitrogen fertilizer, increasing the yield by 23.9% over de control (p<0.05). In the inoculated treatment associated with 48 kg of N.ha-1, the yield was similar to that obtained at 60 kg of N.ha-1 with or without inoculation. In barley, the grain yields of the inoculated treatment associated with 32 kg of N.ha-1 was statistically equivalent to that obtained with 40 kg de N.ha-1 with or without inoculation (p<0,05). In oats, there was no signifi cant difference between treatments and their respective controls for yields, density and N total of grains. The results of the present investigations showed the possibility of the partial substitution of the inorganic nitrogen fertilizer with the Azospirillum sp. RAM-7 inoculation in wheat, barley and oats.