Manageria: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (Jan 2020)
Karakteristik Kepemimpinan dalam Dunia Pendidikan untuk Merespon Era Disrupsi
Disruption brings fundamental changes in almost all aspects of life, changes are made by small institutions that are more agile and distributed, taking over the role of incumbents established. Disruption in education is defined as a new way that shifts the old way that is less relevant, such as technology, perspectives, approaches, teaching processes, instructional media, forms of classrooms and others. The reality of change creates a state of VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) where the world is very dynamic and difficult to predict. The old form of leadership is no longer able to deal with current changes, new leadership characteristics must be developed to face the future, addressing the needs and problems that arise from the uncertainty and ambiguity of the current situation. The study aims to discuss current literature and research on the characteristics of future leaders that are appropriate for responding to change. It also provides an overview of future leadership and provokes the birth of thoughts on leadership issues, especially in the field of education. The result show that the characteristic of future leadership are social and digital smart, collaborating, agile, adaptable, transformative, adept at technology, flexible, initiative, innovative, humble, free thinking, visionary, able to evaluate, think differently, and distributed leadership. This means that future leader must disrupt the role, disrupt the identity, and disrupt the meaning. Future educational leadership needs to be developed as an effort to deal with a a volatile, uncertain, complex and unclear environment or VUCA environment.