Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Jan 2016)
Implementação do direito de participação das crianças em contexto de jardim de infância: As perceções dos educadores
T he aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between observed qual ity in early childhood education and the promotion of participation, as well as to evaluate the psychometric properties of a measure designed to assess early childhood education teachers’ perceptions about the degree of implementation of children’s participation in early childhood education. 168 preschool teachers participated in this study, 40 of which were simultaneously observed, in their classrooms, with the Classroom Observation Scoring System - CLASS (Pianta, La Paro, & Hamre, 2008). We identified two components of teac hers’ perceptions of children’s participation: Childre n’s Expression and Responsibility and Decision Making by the Adult. Decision Making by the Adult was negatively associated with the do mains of classroom quality measured through CLASS and with teacher’s education al level. Teachers from public centers scored higher in C hildren’s Expression and Responsibility than teachers from pri vate for-profit centers. Findings provide moderate evidence on the reliability and validity of the Assessment Questionnaire of Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Perceptions about Children’s Participation Right.