Rev Rene (Feb 2016)

Rodenticide poisoning in a Toxicological Assistance Center

  • Beatriz Ferreira Martins,
  • Anai Adario Hungaro,
  • Jessica Adrielle Teixeira Santos,
  • William Campo Meschial,
  • Laiane Mucio Correia,
  • Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1
pp. 3 – 9


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Objective: to characterize rodenticide poisoning sold illegally under the name chumbinho. Methods: this is a descriptive and cross-sectional study by retrospective analysis of epidemiological forms of Toxicological Occurrence of a Toxicological Assistance Center, from 2006 to 2013. Results: 115 forms were analyzed, with an annual average of 14.4 ± 4.8 cases and 35.6% of the records in the fourth biennial. Most poisonings occurred in males (57.3%), aged between 15 and 49 years (78.3%) and suicide attempted (90.4%). It was found clinical severity of cases because 92.1% intoxicated required hospitalization and occurred four deaths (3.5%). Conclusion: the cases of poisoning by chumbinho increased gradually over the studied years, in males, in an economically active age, and by intentional poisoning. There is a need for greater sanitary inspection in the region, aiming to reduce supply and improvement of guidance to consumers.