Stem Cell Reports (Feb 2014)

Derivation and Maintenance of Murine Trophoblast Stem Cells under Defined Conditions

  • Caroline Kubaczka,
  • Claire Senner,
  • Marcos J. Araúzo-Bravo,
  • Neha Sharma,
  • Peter Kuckenberg,
  • Astrid Becker,
  • Andreas Zimmer,
  • Oliver Brüstle,
  • Michael Peitz,
  • Myriam Hemberger,
  • Hubert Schorle

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2
pp. 232 – 242


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Trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) are in vitro equivalents to the precursor cells of the placenta. TSCs are cultured in serum-rich medium with fibroblast growth factor 4, heparin, and embryonic-fibroblast-conditioned medium. Here, we developed a simple medium consisting of ten chemically defined ingredients for culture of TSCs on Matrigel or synthetic substrates, named TX medium. Gene expression and DNA methylation profiling demonstrated the faithful propagation of expression profiles and epigenomic characteristics of TSCs cultured in TX. Further, TX medium supported the de novo derivation of TSC lines. Finally, TSCs cultured in TX differentiate into all derivatives of the trophectodermal lineage in vitro, give rise to hemorrhagic lesions in nude mice, and chimerize the placenta, indicating that they retained all hallmarks of TSCs. TX media formulation no longer requires fetal bovine serum and conditioned medium, which facilitates and standardizes the culture of this extraembryonic lineage.