Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (Mar 2017)
Supervisi Kepala Ruang Model Proctor untuk Meningkatkan Pelaksanaan Keselamatan Pasien
Insiden terkait keselamatan pasien semakin meningkat, sehingga diperlukan penanganan akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh supervisi kepala ruang model Proctor terhadap pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien. Rancangan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre and post test control group. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportional sampling, dengan sampel 88 perawat pelaksana. Sebelum dan sesudah penerapan supervisi kepala ruang model Proctor, perawat pelaksana diobservasi pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien. Analisa data meng-gunakan Mann-Whitney menunjukkan ada pengaruh supervisi kepala ruang model Proctor terhadap pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien (p= 0,000). Fungsi normatif, formatif dan restoratif dalam supervisi model Proctor, berfokus pada monitoring evaluasi kualitas pelayanan. Supervisi kepala ruang model Proctor dapat diaplikasikan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien. Abstract Headroom Supervision Proctor Model to Improve the Implementation of Patient Safety. Incident related to patient safety has increased and it is needed an accurate handling. This study aimed to determine the influence of headroom supervision proctor model to the implementation of patient safety. The design was quasi experimental using pre and post test control group. Proportional sampling was used as the sampling technique and the sample obtained was 88 nurses. Before and after the application of headroom supervision proctor model, all nurses were observed about the implementation of patient safety. The data was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test and showed that there is influence of headroom supervision proctor model to the implementation of patient safety (p= 0.000). Normative, formative and restorative function in supervision proctor model focused on monitoring service quality. Headroom supervision proctor model can be applied as a solution to improve the implementation of patient safety. Keywords: patient safety, proctor supervision