Cytochrome <i>c</i> Deficiency Differentially Affects the In Vivo Mitochondrial Electron Partitioning and Primary Metabolism Depending on the Photoperiod
Igor Florez-Sarasa,
Elina Welchen,
Sofia Racca,
Daniel H. Gonzalez,
José G. Vallarino,
Alisdair R. Fernie,
Miquel Ribas-Carbo,
Nestor Fernandez Del-Saz
Igor Florez-Sarasa
Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Campus UAB Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain
Elina Welchen
Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral (CONICET-UNL), Cátedra de Biología Celular y Molecular, Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe 3000, Argentina
Sofia Racca
Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral (CONICET-UNL), Cátedra de Biología Celular y Molecular, Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe 3000, Argentina
Daniel H. Gonzalez
Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral (CONICET-UNL), Cátedra de Biología Celular y Molecular, Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe 3000, Argentina
José G. Vallarino
Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam-Golm, Germany
Alisdair R. Fernie
Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam-Golm, Germany
Miquel Ribas-Carbo
Research Group on Plant Biology, Balearic Islands University, Ctra Valldemossa km 7.5, 07122 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Nestor Fernandez Del-Saz
Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal, Departamento de Botánica, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, Universidad de Concepción, 4030000 Concepción, Chile
Plant respiration provides metabolic flexibility under changing environmental conditions by modulating the activity of the nonphosphorylating alternative pathways from the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which bypass the main energy-producing components of the cytochrome oxidase pathway (COP). While adjustments in leaf primary metabolism induced by changes in day length are well studied, possible differences in the in vivo contribution of the COP and the alternative oxidase pathway (AOP) between different photoperiods remain unknown. In our study, in vivo electron partitioning between AOP and COP and expression analysis of respiratory components, photosynthesis, and the levels of primary metabolites were studied in leaves of wild-type (WT) plants and cytochrome c (CYTc) mutants, with reduced levels of COP components, under short- and long-day photoperiods. Our results clearly show that differences in AOP and COP in vivo activities between WT and cytc mutants depend on the photoperiod likely due to energy and stress signaling constraints. Parallel responses observed between in vivo respiratory activities, TCA cycle intermediates, amino acids, and stress signaling metabolites indicate the coordination of different pathways of primary metabolism to support growth adaptation under different photoperiods.