Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Mar 2017)
Шалаева Анна, Семенко Ирина, Томка Инна. Переход эпонимов сферы медицины в имена нарицательные. Актуальность данной статьи обусловлена широким вниманием к употреблению эпонимических терминов в различных областях науки и в частности в области медицины. Целью данного исследования было определение причин широкого употребления эпонимических терминов в подъязыке медицины, исследование специфики медицинской эпонимической терминологии, выявление различных точек зрения на связь между общепринятыми медицинскими терминами и терминами-эпонимами, проведение анализа отличий медицинских эпонимов от общеупотребительных терминологических единиц, выявление сфер употребления эпонимической терминологической лексики и исследование перехода эпонимических терминов в имена нарицательные. Был проведен анализ типов эпонимов, которые могут переходить в имена нарицательные; какие функции такого типа имена нарицательные утрачивают и для обозначения каких лингвистических категорий они употребляются. Дальнейшие исследования перехода эпонимических терминов в имена нарицательные могут быть связаны с использованием и дальнейшей разработкой классификации имен нарицательных, производных от эпонимических терминов. Ключевые слова: имена собственные, нарицательные имена, эпонимические термины, медицина, трансформация. Shalajeva Anna, Semenko Iryna, Tomka Inna. Transformation of Eponyms in the Field of Medicine into Common Words. The actuality of this article is due to the widespread attention to the use of eponymous terms in the field of medicine. Medical language is a specific language. Substantial part of the medical terminology is presented by eponymical terms. Most often they are used to indicate the disease after the name of the doctor who first described the condition of the sick person or the disease named after a man who suffered from this disease. If eponym refers to the disease, it is often used to describe a symptom, syndrome, factor, test, abnormalities, which are given the name in honour of the doctor-inventor. Most eponyms do not arise as a result of the scientific analysis, research or interpersonal communication. Eponymic terms appear in those areas of medicine where scientific research is often preceded by practical work, thus the eponyms are the result of practical activities of physicians. In medical terminology the process of converting of personal names into common names often takes place. In this process the proper name loses a number of characteristic properties in the language that become inessential , and is used as a common name. In the field of medicine after the transformation of personal names into common words the latter may: indicate events; give name to a branch of science; form definition; give a description of people; mean instruments; be a part of a compound word; indicate the profession; form a verb or verbal noun. Eponyms always attracted attention of linguists for studying of their origin, meaning, use in various fields of science. Although there are a lot of scientists who propose to remove eponymic terms from the field of medicine, eponyms are widely used to indicate new notions in medicine, particularly in the countries that are leading ones in the field of medical research, and that is the proof of the development of modern medicine. The aim of this study is to determine the reasons for the wide use of eponymous terms in the sublanguage of medicine, to study the specificity of medical eponymous terminology, to reveal various points of view on the relationship between the conventional medical terms and eponymous terms, to analyze the differences of medical eponyms and commonly used terminological units, to identify the areas of use of eponymous terminological vocabulary and to investigate the transformation of eponymous terms into common nouns may be connected with their use and further development of the classification of common nouns derived from the eponymous terms. Key-words: personal names, common words, eponymic terms, medicine, transformation.