Вісник НЮУ імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія (Mar 2016)

Ethnogeny ukrainian people and formation its original mentality

  • І. О. Поліщук

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 28
pp. 152 – 162


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Revealed a variety of approaches and concepts ethnogeny of the Ukrainian people in the context of its primary mentality. Within historiosophical Ukrainian mentality paradigm study describes key milestones ethnogeny of Ukrainians. Emphasized on the bright tilling discovered the nature of Tripoli culture — protocultural Ukrainian, which defined the original features of their mentality. Ants state is seen as the first proto-Ukrainian political community, which laid the mental qualities that find their further development in the political mentality of the Ukrainians: democracy, decentralization, regionalism and more. The article made the following conclusions. To solve the problem of Ukrainian ethnogeny finally and clearly, convincingly and consistently play its period features and is quite a difficult task given the complex dynamic processes ethnogeny. The process of the emergence of ethnicity is not always adequate and comprehensive reflection of scientific sources. But we can talk about the possibility and the need to find the most acceptable and scientifically correct hypotheses concerning Ukrainian ethnogeny. In this connection, the indigenous-origin Ukrainians autonomous version looks like is that most meets the requirements. Summarizing some moments Ukrainian ethnogeny should pay attention to the specific features of the formation of primitive mentality of pre Ukrainians who subsequently receive proper development of the mentality of the Ukrainian people. Prolonged existence of matriarchal clan system in the distant predecessors Ukrainian ensured the dominance of women in their mentality primary which is fixed at the time of Tripoli culture in the cult of the earth-mother, typical, however, for all grain-growing nations. Surely this time there is a future mental dominant Slavs — female archetype of the Earth Mother. The emergence of a day of metals territorial community where there is communal land ownership, and processing is carried out a separate family, on the one hand, determines saving big role family (actually a mother) in the education and life of a particular individual, and withother hand, reinforces sedentary, propensity to a certain piece of land that forms the mentality of a no-aggressive expansionist motivations and as a result — peacefulness. The latest feature best manifested in Ukrainian, which for all its history never won one but, however, were themselves the object of permanent conquest. The existence of modern Ukrainian territory ScythianSkolot, Ants States is representative of the capacity of the substrate to the proto-Ukrainian political organization. Study of the socio-political system Ants state, which M. S. Grushevsky generally believed the first Ukrainian state formation, and to determine certain characteristics of political mentality of their own immediate ancestors Ukrainian. The decisive role of tribal assembly, which later transformed into Kiev Rus in the council, shows immanence democratic guidelines original Ukrainian mentality. At the same time the actual exercise of functions among convening meetings of tribal council of elders, which often had the sole head — his head, which writes the same M. S. Grushevsky [6, p. 33], indicating both the propensity to collective forms of governance, and in disregard of the principle of autocracy and a mistrust or neglect their own authorities. The latter attitude will develop in a typical Ukrainian political mentality and will be called «egalitarian negativity» with respect to their political leaders and the political elite. Polycentric state system Ants state determines the political and mental focus our ancient predecessors decentralism that evolutionary regionalism to Ukrainian
