Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry (Jan 2019)

Maintenance of space by innovative three-dimensional-printed band and loop space maintainer

  • Bhaggyashri A Pawar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 37, no. 2
pp. 205 – 208


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Preventive orthodontics is an aspect of pediatric dentistry, which requires a unique set of skills and understanding to aid the patient's treatment and properly align teeth. The safest way to prevent future malocclusions from tooth loss is to place a space maintainer (SM), which is advocated to hold the space until the eruption of permanent teeth. SM manufacturing is a laborious process that requires ample communication with the laboratory to properly complete and provide the patient with optimal results. Band and loop SM is mostly indicated for the premature loss of single primary molar, but this appliance has a number of limitations. Digital technology has resulted in decreasing human errors by automating the dental model fabricating process with three-dimensional printing. The current paper provides an insight of the use of this new technology in pediatric dentistry for manufacturing two types of SMs and a case report.
