Einstein (São Paulo) (Jun 2012)
Study of internalization and viability of multimodal nanoparticles for labeling of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells
Objective: To analyze multimodal magnetic nanoparticles-RhodamineB in culture media for cell labeling, and to establish a study ofmultimodal magnetic nanoparticles-Rhodamine B detection atlabeled cells evaluating they viability at concentrations of 10μgFe/mL and 100μg Fe/mL. Methods: We performed the analysisof stability of multimodal magnetic nanoparticles-Rhodamine B indifferent culture media; the mesenchymal stem cells labeling withmultimodal magnetic nanoparticles-Rhodamine B; the intracellulardetection of multimodal magnetic nanoparticles-Rhodamine Bin mesenchymal stem cells, and assessment of the viability oflabeled cells by kinetic proliferation. Results: The stability analysisshowed that multimodal magnetic nanoparticles-Rhodamine B hadgood stability in cultured Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s-Low Glucosemedium and RPMI 1640 medium. The mesenchymal stem cell withmultimodal magnetic nanoparticles-Rhodamine B described locationof intracellular nanoparticles, which were shown as blue granulesco-localized in fluorescent clusters, thus characterizing magneticand fluorescent properties of multimodal magnetic nanoparticles-Rhodamine B. Conclusion: The stability of multimodal magneticnanoparticles-Rhodamine B found in cultured Dulbecco’s ModifiedEagle’s-Low Glucose medium and RPMI 1640 medium assuredintracellular mesenchymal stem cells labeling. This cell labeling didnot affect viability of labeled mesenchymal stem cells since theycontinued to proliferate for five days.