Membranes (Oct 2022)
Evaluating the Feasibility of Employing Dynamic Membranes for the Direct Filtration of Municipal Wastewater
The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of using dynamic membranes for direct filtration of municipal wastewater. The influence of different alternative supporting materials (one or two layers of flat open monofilament woven polyamide meshes with 1 or 5 µm of pore size) was studied. A stable short-term self-forming DM was achieved (from some hours to 3 days) regardless of the supporting material used, producing relatively similar permeate qualities (total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, total phosphorous and turbidity of 67–88 mg L−1, 155–186 mg L−1, 48.7–50.4 mg L−1, 4.7–4.9 mg L−1, and 167–174 NTU, respectively). A DM permeability loss rate of from 5.21 to 10.03 LMH bar−1 day−1 was obtained, which depended on the supporting material used. Unfortunately, the preliminary energy, carbon footprint, and economic evaluations performed showed that although DMs obtain higher pollutant captures than conventional treatments (primary settler), the benefits are not enough to justify their use for treating average municipal wastewater. However, this alternative scheme could be suitable for treating higher-loaded MWW with a higher fraction of organic matter in the non-settleable solids.