Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons (Jan 2021)
Abdominoperineal tunnel crafted with alken's telescopic dilators: A novel technique!
Background: Abdomino-perineal pull through procedure needs perineal dissection and for that swap of supine to prone may be necessary. To avoid that as well as to avoid neuro-muscular damage; we are describing a simple minimal invasive procedure with help of Alken's telescopic dilators. Patients & Methods: We created abdomino-perineal tunnel with Alken's telescopic dilators to bring down the lumen of intestine in perineum in eight patients. Results: Operative time happened to be less and procedure found to be less traumatic. All the eight patients had satisfactory outcome Conclusions: Actually, we have repurposed the Alken's dilator for creation of abdomino-perineal tunnel or track to get benefit of minimal dissection of perineum during pull-through procedure as well as to avoid neuro-muscular damage.