Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2017)
Developed Countries: Current Situation and Where are They Going?
The international economic and financial-monetary crisis, as we know, began in developedeconomies. Just over eight years after the official announcement of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy(On September 15, 2008, Lehman announced its bankruptcy and AIG shares collapsed oninternational stock exchanges), the overall situation has seen a significant improvement, themacroeconomic damage created by the crisis has been largely focused, but not in a homogeneousmanner along the economies and regions. The present paper tries to fit the current situation and perspective of developed economies (suchas the US, the eurozone, Canada, Japan, the UK and others) in a general picture to capture themost relevant indicators, in perspective and in the unfavorable state of the world economy. Thus, according to the data presented by the International Monetary Fund and the UnitedNations experts, it seems that the forecasts for the current and the forthcoming year are notencouraging, and even have seen unfavorable revisions, both on savings categories and globally,of some indicators such as gross domestic product, economic growth, demand and supply of goodsand services, exports and imports, exchange rate, etc. All these aspects will be presented below.