Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación (Jan 2010)
Risk factors associated with low back pain among schoolchildren aged 10-12 years in Majorca
The aim of this research study is to explore the existence of back pain in schoolchildren and determine the risk factors associated with a greater possibility of it, to design an intervention. This study was carried out using a sample of 178 schoolchildren (94 boys and 84 girls) aged 10-12, resident in Mallorca. The schools were chosen using stratified random sampling, depending on the size of the centre, type and location. The questionnaire and method for gathering the data were previously validated using the test-rest reliability method. The obtained results show that 61.2% of the schoolchildren (45.7% boys and 78.6% girls) suffer from back pain. There is no significant relationship between sport or the time spent doing sporting activities and the existence or non-existence of symptoms of back pain in the schoolchildren. As for the weight of their schoolbags, they had an average weight of 4.99 kg, equivalent to 11.9% of the children’s body weight. From the results that were obtained, this study suggests that, in keeping with the scientific literature that was reviewed, back pain is a problem that affects the young population (more specifically children aged 10 to 12) to a high degree.