Revista Română de Informatică și Automatică (Jun 2020)
Analiza evolAnaliza evoluției indicatorilor DESI și SNADR ai societății informaționaleai societății informaționale
The evolution of the digital economy and society is reflected in an overall increase in the economic efficiency and improvement in all areas. It is essential that the progress of the digital society is constantly monitored for a vision of the implementation of the strategies pursued. This article presents an analysis of the digital society from the perspective of the priorities established by the National Strategy for the Digital Agenda 2020 following the stage of digitalization of the Romanian economy in relation to European trends. The paper presents the evolution of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) indicators and of the National Strategy on Digital Agenda for Romania (SNADR) indicators between 2016 and 2019, highlighting the situation in Romania, providing a theoretical basis for strategic guidelines, as well as a comparation between DESI and SNADR indicators.