Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti : Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali (Jul 2009)
Non-reactive strategies in decision-form games
In this paper we propose a concept of rationalizable solution for two-playerdecision-form games: the solution by iterated elimination of non-reactivestrategies. Several original theorems are proved about this kind ofsolution. We study the relations between solutions by iterated eliminationof non reactive strategies and game equilibria. We present an existencetheorem for bistrategies surviving the iterated elimination and an existencetheorem for solution by iterated elimination in contracting games. We, also,show that an equilibrium of a game survives iterated elimination of nonreative strategies. At the end we prove a characterization of solvability byiterated elimination of non-reactive strategies.