Outlines (Oct 2013)

A Gramscian perspective on developmental work research: Contradictions, power and the role of researchers reconsidered

  • Tiina Kontinen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 2
pp. 106 – 129


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The article presents a Gramscian reading of organisational interventions within the framework ofdevelopmental work research. Developmental work research is based on Engeström’s concepts ofactivity system and expansive learning cycle. It utilizes the theoretical vocabulary provided byMarx and Ilyenkov and is situated in the traditions of cultural-historical and critical research. Inrecent years, critical commentaries have pointed to a need to reconsider questions related totransformation, contradictions and power within the approach. The Gramscian reading heresuggests that the concepts of transformism, hegemony and dialectic pedagogy could open potentialways to reformulate certain elements of both the practice of organisational intervention and thetheoretical principles of developmental work research.
