IET Computer Vision (Jun 2016)
Two‐layer discriminative model for human activity recognition
Most of recent methods for action/activity recognition, usually based on static classifiers, have achieved improvements by integrating context of local interest point (IP) features such as spatiotemporal IPs by characterising their neighbourhood under different scales. In this study, the authors propose a new approach that explicitly models the sequential aspect of activities. First, a sliding window segmentation technique splits the video stream into overlapping short segments. Each window is characterised by a local bag of words of IPs encoded by motion information. A first‐layer support vector machine provides for each window a vector of conditional class probabilities that summarises all discriminant information that is relevant for sequence recognition. The sequence of these stochastic vectors is then fed to a hidden conditional random field for inference at the sequence level. They also show how their approach can be naturally extended to the problem of conjoint segmentation and recognition of a sequence of action classes within a continuous video stream. They have tested their model on various human action and activity datasets and the obtained results compare favourably with current state of the art.