Caucasiana (Dec 2023)

An annotated list of the Georgian harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones)

  • Naia Modebadze,
  • Jochen Martens,
  • Nataly Snegovaya,
  • Shalva Barjadze

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2
pp. 211 – 230


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Abstract An annotated list of the Georgian harvestmen was prepared based on literature and unpublished collection data, in which 48 species belonging to 19 genera within six families are included. Twenty-seven species are endemic to the Caucasus Ecoregion, while 10 species are endemic to Georgia. Five species are highly specialized cavernicolous ones and are only known from caves. Former subspecies Nemastoma suberbum bacuriana Mkheidze, 1959, is ranked as an independent species, Paranemastoma bacurianum (Mkheidze, 1959) (comb. nov. et stat. nov.); Metaplatybunus hypanicus Šilhavý, 1966, is justified as a junior synonym of Metaplatybunus georgicus Mkheidze, 1952 (syn. nov.).