Romanian Neurosurgery (Dec 2014)
Surgical treatment and outcome of cerebral cavernomas
Cavernous malformations (cavernomas) are congenital low flow angiographic occult vascular lesions with a high tencency to bleeding. The prevalence of cerebral cavernous vascular malformations is estimated to be 0.4% to 0.9%.2,7 CMs in deep locations, including the brainstem, thalamus, and basal ganglia, account for 9% to 35% of all malformations in the brain. We performed a retrospective 10 years study on 130 operated cerebral cavernomas and discussed the clinical status at presentation, the choice and timing of the surgical approach and the short and longterm follow up. The 130 operated cases were divided into a supratentorial 102 (78.46%) group and an infratantorial group 28 (21.53%). The average age at presentation was 43,62 years old (17-76) and there was no sex predominance, male/female = 1,44 (77/53). Only in 14 cases (10.76%) we could find multiple cavernomas which had relatives with multiple cavrnomas, but the familial inheritance was not studied, and only the symptomatic lesion was resected. We divided the outcome results reporting for agroup with superficial respectively profound lesions. The long term follow up for the patients in the profound lesions group showed that 31/37 (83,78%) of patients had a mRS between 0 and 2, and the rest had a poor long term outcome. After surgery there was no clinical deterioration in the superficial lesions group and 22 patients from those who presented in mRS 2 showed neurological improvement on long term follow up, meaning that 82,79% of patients had a 0 or 1 mRS. Microsurgery is the treatment of choice in symptomatic brain cavernomas, total resection being the only curative treatment, capable to prevent further bleeding and to offer an efficient control of seizures. Key words: cavernous malformation, microneurosurgery, seizures.