Cell Transplantation (Mar 2000)
Towards Neurotransplantation in Multiple System Atrophy: Clinical Rationale, Pathophysiological Basis, and Preliminary Experimental Evidence
Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a neurodegenerative disorder that occurs sporadically and causes parkinsonism, cerebellar, autonomic, urinary, and pyramidal dysfunction in many combinations. Progressive L-dopa-unresponsive parkinsonism due to underlying striatonigral degeneration dominates the clinical syndrome in the majority of cases (MSA-P subtype). MSA-P is characterized pathologically by degenerative changes in somatotopically related areas of the substantia nigra pars compacta and of the putamen. Furthermore, oligodendroglial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs) are observed throughout the cortico-striato-pallido-cortical loops and may contribute to the basal ganglia dysfunction. Neurotransplantation strategies are of potential interest in this disease, which causes marked and early disability and dramatically reduces life expectancy. A number of experimental MSA-P models have been employed to evaluate neurotransplantation approaches. Sequential nigral and striatal lesions using 6-hydroxydopamine and quinolinic acid (double toxin–double lesion approach) indicate that apomorphine-induced contralateral rotation is abolished by a secondary striatal lesion. Intrastriatal injection of mitochondrial respiratory chain toxins produces secondary excitotoxic striatal lesions combined with retrograde nigral degeneration and therefore provides an alternative single toxin–double lesion approach. Neurotransplantation in MSA-P animal models has been used to improve functional deficits by replacing lost nigral and/or striatal circuitry (neuroregenerative approach). The available data indicate that embryonic mesencephalic grafts alone or combined with striatal grafts partially reverse drug-induced rotation asymmetries without improving deficits of complex motor function. The potential neuroprotective efficacy of embryonic striatal grafts against striatal excitotoxicity is presently under investigation in the double toxin–double lesion MSA-P rat model. Anecdotal clinical evidence in one MSA-P patient misdiagnosed as Parkinson's disease indicates that embryonic mesencephalic grafts produce incomplete clinical benefit. Striatal co-grafts may increase functional improvement. Further experimental studies are required prior to the clinical application of embryonic neurotransplantation in MSA-P. Future research strategies should explore the effect of neurotransplantation in partial MSA-P rat models with less severe nigral and striatal degeneration, the feasibility of a primate model closely mimicking the human disease, and the replication of oligodendroglial dysfunction.