Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (May 2019)
Mehmet Fuat Sezgin’in Aile Çevresi ve Türkiye’deki Akademik Serüveni
MehmetFuat Sezgin is a highly distinguished scholar in his studies on the foundationsof modern sciences in Islamic çivilization. In his research, Sezgin examinesthe contributions of Muslim scholars to modern sciences, mainly through theninth to sixteenth centuries. During this period, the fundamental scientifictexts of Ancient Greeks were translated into Arabic, then interpreted andelaborated upon by Muslim scholars. Beginning in the late sixteenth century,the Greek sciences were transferred from the Islamic world to the Europe.However, contemporary works on the history of scienceshave ignored the contribution of Islamic scholars to this matter and havedescribed Greek and Latin civilizations as the uninterrupted continuations ofone another. In his academic life of more than half a century, Sezginelucidated the eight centuries old missing link of the history of science bybringing to light the life and works of thousands of Muslim scholars known fortheir scientific works. However, there are no studies yet that evaluate theoutstanding works of Sezgin and his life. This article partly addresses thatneed and examines Sezgin's family and his early academic life.