Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems (Aug 2021)
Background. The grapevine red blotch virus (GRBV) is a member of the Geminiviridae family that has a single-stranded DNA genome consisting of 3,206 nucleotides, from which two clades (1 and 2) diverge with differences of up to 8.5% in the genome. The symptoms associated with the red blotch disease are leaves with irregular red spots, the veins turn red and occasionally margins of the same color can be observed; white grape cultivars symptoms are less marked, involving slight chlorosis of irregular shape that may become necrotic as time, causing delays in fruit maturation and alterations in the chemical characteristics of the juice. Objective. Introduce the current situation of the grapevine red blotch virus on the vine worldwide and the risk that it represents as an emerging disease in Mexico, as well as the available detection methods and strategies for managing the disease and its known vectors. Methodology. Employed method was a literature review about Grapevine “red spot” virus and its damages on the vine plants. Main findings. A review is obtained with the distribution of GRBV worldwide, highlighting the main differences with Pierce disease and GLRaV, knowledge of the vectors and the amin detection techniques. Implications. The real spread of the red blotch disease caused by GRBV in Mexico, specific vectors or alternative hosts is not known, which represents a latent risk to the national grape production. Communicate timely and available information about possible vectors, detection techniques and symptoms caused by GRBV are very important for a monitoring and control strategy design. Conclusions. The disease caused by GRBV has been recently detected in Mexico country, making crucial to establish effective and reliable detection strategies that improve the monitoring and control of GRBV and its possible vectors. This review shows the current panorama of the GRBV distribution in Mexico and the world, the repercussions on the crop due to the effect of the symptoms that affect the physiology and metabolism of the plants, which affects the production and quality fruit, as well as the information available to support the vine production systems in Mexico.