RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries (Dec 2013)
Role of volcanic soils in structure of the soil cover of Ethiopia»
The four types of Andosols defined above all occur in Ethiopia. Ochric Andosols are tipical in the drier parts of the Rift valley. Mollic Andosols occur in the wetter parts of the Rift valley and along the northeastern escarpment. Humic Andosols have been described on Mt. Ras DejenandMt. Batu. Vitric Andosols occur throughout the Rift and elsewhere in the country where coarser textured pyroclastics predominate. Sodics saline and Lithic phases are common in Mollic and Vitric Andosols in the Rift valley, and Lithic phses occur in the wetter highland, on steep slopes.