Polilog: Studia Neofilologiczne (Oct 2021)
Структура и семантика образов стекла и окна в поэзии Бахыта Кенжеева
The article shows the mechanism of work of such ready-made objects as glass and window in Kenzheyev’s poetry. The structural and semantic relations of these word-forms are described, the typology of their textual manifestations is revealed, and the features of their participation in the embodiment of poetic thought are shown. Representing the border of external and internal, they symbolize the choice between temporal and eternal things, mundane and high. These word forms are a reference to biblical stories and reminiscences from Russian poetry of the XIX–XX centuries. They participate in the transmission of the theme of time and poetry, the motif of fare- well to the motherland and nostalgia for the Moscow courtyards where the poet spent his childhood. The word image of the window is actualized in poetic texts through a system of epithets, rhyming relationships. It is a place for observation and an inte- gral attribute of the urban landscape. Glass / window becomes one of the main oppor- tunities for Kenzheev to know himself through the surrounding reality.