Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi (Jan 2017)
Geographical Distribution of Settlements in the Province of Malatya According to Historical Periods
Settlements in this field of study, created from the time period, according to the present day distribution comparisons reasons outlined will be put in place as a chronological in terms of historical geography. People gathered and hunting periods are necessary for the whole year of life lived in the area of nutrients, grows spontaneously begins to produce its own did not find a way. This produced a revolution in human life and the action to this event is known as agriculture. Agriculture as a result of this activity obtained from the products to be consumed at a later time produce must be stored in protected locations. The caves and sheltered places in the existing in nature as most people are made by the housing. Whether single, many want it in terms of geography; place of residence or to create residential communities. Settlements in the field of research Prehistoric Neolithic period, Chalcolitic, Bronze Age period of history with the Hittites, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuk, Ottoman and Republic periods are organized on the basis of data were examined. To ensure easy understanding of issues as a result of research using data obtained by settling distribution maps were made. Days of our previous place, irrespective of the nature of the lists as have been transferred to the map, but to our place and period to be treated as a permanent place in their own are classified. According to this term in place mezra, plateau, and as neighbors, continued to place the district, village, town and city maps are made as they are classified. Executed using this map also placed in the Malatya province and the distribution of the particular geographic factors affecting the distribution has been emphasized.