مجله ایرانی آموزش در علوم پزشکی (Dec 2006)
The Effect of Clinical Education Workshop on Nursing and Midwifery Instructors’ Effective Behaviors in Clinical Education
Introduction: The instructors’ clinical teaching behaviors need to be monitored and improved during educational process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a three day educational workshop about clinical teaching and evaluation on effective clinical teaching behaviors of clinical instruc-tors at faculty of Nursing and Midwifery in Shiraz. Methods: All clinical nursing instructor who had been involved in clinical teaching at least for four months (n=39), participated In this quasi-experimental research with two group post-test only design. They were divided randomly into two experiment (n=19) and control (n=20) groups. The experiment group participated in a pre-planned three day educational workshop about clinical teaching and evaluation.Two months later, all of the students who were involved in clinical experiences (n=588) were asked to evaluate their clinical teachers using a questionnaire consisting of 21 items about effective clinical teaching behaviors. The mean scores for teaching behaviors were compared by independent t-test using SPSS software. Results: The mean scores of the experiment group were significantly higher than the control group. Furthermore, the experiment group significantly differed from the control group in six educational behaviors including conducting effective clinical conferences, providing positive feedback and reinforcement, encouraging students to think, analyzing and rational criticizing, being flexible, facilitating students’ self-evaluation, and asking stimulating questions.But no significant difference was observed in other 15 educa-tional behaviors. Conclusion: Participation in clinical education workshop had a positive effect on instructors’ efffective clinical teaching behaviors, and made them to apply some educational principles. To improve other effective clinical teaching behaviors, program organizers and directors should provide appropriate situations in order to facilitate the application of instructors’ knowledge and skills in clinical teaching.