Political Studies Forum (Jul 2021)
France’s Grand Design for Europe and the Elusive Quest for European Sovereignty
In the context of the Liberal International Order crisis amplified by the Trump Administration’s America First doctrine and a retreat of multilateralism, President Macron was emboldened to carry further his vision for a Sovereign Europe (Europe-Puissance) capable of ensuring its own strategic autonomy and acting as an independent actor on the international stage. However, President Macron faces the task of articulating a coherent way of achieving this goal, especially giving Germany’s reluctance to accept any changes in the postwar defense status quo, and East-Central European anxieties regarding a possible Russian rapprochement pursued by the French president. Early in his presidency, Macron proposed his Grand Design for a concentric and multi-speed Europe with different stages of integration, and different levels of functioning, a plan which was met with a degree of unwillingness from East-Central European capitals.