Khyber Medical University Journal (Mar 2012)
Objective: To study the spectrum of patients presented in male infertility clinic Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted on 416 patients attending Special Male Infertility Clinic at PakistanInstitute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, from January 2000 to December 2002. Patients were recruited by convenientsampling method. Data was recorded on a structured questionnaire and was analyzed on SPSS version 14. Results: Out of 416 patients, 346 (83.2%) patients had primary Infertility. One hundred forty four (34.6%) patients weresmokers, 11 (2.64%) were alcohol users, 25(6.0%) patients had history of exposure to heat and 20 (4.8%) tochemicals. Twenty four (5.8%) cases had history of mumps-related orchitis and 8 (1.9%) had tuberculous orchitis.Nineteen (4.6%) patients had history of trauma to external genitalia and 17 (4.1%) patients had surgery on externalgenitalia. Atrophic testis were found in 48 (11.5%) cases and undescended testes in 12 (2.9%) cases. Significantpyuria was found in 33 (7.9%). Semen analysis showed more than 20 million/ml count in 207(49.8%), while 93(22.4%)patients were azoospermic. Medical treatment along with sex education was given to 163 (39.2%) patients.Epididymo-vasostomy was advised to 53 (12.7%), adoption of child to 7 (1.7%) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSS) to 4(1%) patients. Conclusion: Majority of patients had primary infertility. History of testicular atrophy, infection, trauma, surgery, azospermia,smoking, alcohol use and exposure to heat or chemicals are the possible contributing factors for infertility in males.More studies are needed to understand the complex etiology of male factor infertility in our population. Key Words: Infertility, Male Infertility, Infertility Spectrum, Pyospermia.