Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia (Sep 2022)
El oppidum de Ornedo-Santa Marina (Valdeolea, Cantabria). Secuencia de dataciones absolutas y aproximación a su identidad
En este trabajo se presenta la secuencia de dataciones absolutas procedentes del oppidum de Monte Ornedo (Valdeolea, Cantabria) así como las características constructivas de las distintas estructuras defensivas. Gracias a ello ha sido posible conocer y fijar sus distintas adscripciones cronoculturales, permitiéndonos conocer su evolución desde la Segunda Edad del Hierro hasta la etapa imperial romana. ABSTRACT: In this paper we present the sequence of the absolute dating from the oppidum of Monte Ornedo (Valdeolea, Cantabria. Spain) and a study of its defensive architecture. Thanks to this, it has been possible to document two different occupation in the site. The first occupation was dated in the Second Iron Age, at which time the oppidum, defended by a stone wall, occupied the entire mount. At the end of 1st century B.C. the oppidum was destroyed by the Roman Army. As was usual in this process of conquest, on the top of Santa Marina was built a castellum, with an agger and a moat. The Iron Age peoble settled in the valley, creating a population center that could be identified with Iuliobriga.