Sālmand (Apr 2018)
Role of Performance in the Stroop Test in Anticipation of Anxiety and Aggression in the Elderly in Ardabil
Objectives Currently, the life expectancy of the elderly has been rising considerably. The present study investigated the role of strop function in the prediction of anxiety and fall self-efficacy in elderly at the city of Ardabil. Methods & Materials The study design was correlational. The population cohort consisted of all elderly males living in the elderly homes in Ardabil in2017. Among these, a sample of 200 subjects was selected by the available sampling method. The anxiety, fall self-efficacy, and Stroop questionnaires were used for data collection. The data were analyzed by Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis. Results A significant relationship was observed between anxiety/fall self-efficacy and Strop function. Stroop’s performance could negatively predict anxiety as well as predict the fall self-efficacy in the elderly. Conclusion The performance of Stroop test in the elderly could be improved by training classes and various treatment groups that can indirectly decrease the amount of anxiety and increase the fall self-efficacy in the elderly.