Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (Sep 2011)
Público versus privado: avaliando a assistência à gestação e ao parto no extremo sul do Brasil Public versus private: assessing maternity care in the far South of Brazil
OBJETIVOS: avaliar a assistência à gestação e ao parto entre o setor público e privado no município de Rio Grande, RS. MÉTODOS: aplicou-se questionário padronizado a todas as gestantes residentes neste município que tiveram filho em 2007. Investigaram-se aspectos relativos a cuidados recebidos desde o início da gestação até o pós-parto imediato. A análise estatística consistiu da comparação de proporções nestes dois grupos através do teste de qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: dentre os 2584 nascimentos cujas mães residiam no município, foram obtidas informações sobre 2557, o que representa 98,9% do total. Destas mães, 96% realizaram pelo menos uma consulta de pré-natal. Gestantes atendidas no setor privado iniciaram o pré-natal mais cedo, realizaram um maior número de consultas médicas, exame de sangue e ultrassonografia pélvica, exame ginecológico, das mamas e citopatológico de colo uterino. Gestantes do setor público realizaram maior número de exames de urina e sorologia para sífilis e foram mais comumente suplementadas com sulfato ferroso. Todas estas diferenças foram estatisticamente significativas (pOBJECTIVES: to compare public and private sector maternity care in the municipality of Rio Grande, in the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul. METHODS: a standardized questionnaire was applied to all pregnant women residing in this municipality who had a child in 2007. All aspects, from the beginning of gestation to immediate post-partum were investigated. Statistical analysis took the form of comparison of proportions for these two groups, using the chi-squared test. RESULTS: of the 2584 children born whose mothers resided in the municipality, information was obtained on 2557, representing 98.9% of the total. Of these mothers, 96% received at least one prenatal consultation. Pregnant women attended by the private sector began prenatal care earlier, had a larger number of medical consults, blood tests, pelvic ultrasound examinations, and gynecological examinations of the breasts and cytopathological examinations of the cervix. Pregnant women in the public sector had more urine tests and serum tests for syphilis and were often give iron sulfate supplements. All these differences were statistically significant (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: pregnant women in the private sector systematically received better prenatal care in terms of consultations and examinations. Their delivery was more often carried out by a physician and they underwent more unnecessary interventions, such as a caesarian section or episiotomy, while they were less likely to receive iron supplements.