Revista de Ciências da Administração : RCA (Apr 2012)
The development of scenarios in strategic management of organizations: a literature study
DOI: Scenarios is a possible technique to assist organizations in the elaboration of their strategies in complex and uncertain environments. This paper aims to raise and analyse the development of scenarios for strategy formulation purposes with the use of secondary data collected on bibliographic search in the main events and journals published in Brazil: ANPAD events (Enanpad, 3 Es, Enadi, Enapg, Symposium, Eneo and EMA), and major national papers listed in the “Qualis Capes” system: Revista de Administração de Empresas (FGV), RAUSP, Read, Brazilian Business Review, BASE (Unisinos), Revista de Administração Contemporânea, Revista de Administração Mackenzie and REGE USP). The research resulted in the identification of 24 works, showing that scenarios is an important tool for the strategic management in turbulent environments. It is also important to expand the research issues to the development of scenarios in practice, in order to analyze practical aspects of scenarios and contribute to the improvement of the use of scenarios in strategic management of organizations.