Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (Dec 2024)

A cross-sectional assessment of the effects of select training modalities on vaccine cold chain management

  • Aguma Daniel,
  • Joseph Oloro,
  • Innocent Hahirwa,
  • Theogene Rizinde,
  • Marie Francoise Mukanyangezi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1
pp. 232 – 248


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Background Vaccines offer arguably the most cost-effective public health intervention. Vaccine supply chain management which is a critical building block faces many Human resources challenges mainly due to the special attributes of vaccines. Objective This study attempted to measure the effect of training on vaccine cold chain handler knowledge and practices. Methods A cross-sectional research design, using predominantly quantitative data collection techniques, was used. Facilities that have offered vaccination services for more than a year and report through the HMIS system were eligible for selection. Observation checklists and structured questionnaires were used. SPSS was used to analyse data. Results Vaccine cold chain management among the study group had an average score of 65.33% range (31–85%). The average knowledge score among the study respondents was 62.42% with a range (45–95%). The knowledge of respondents generally increases with an additional increase in the number of training modalities. Conclusions The status of VCCM is at about 65.33% below the target of 80% set by the EVM. The trainings have an effect on both knowledge of handlers and their practice especially when deployed in a multi-pronged design and thus these trainings need to be aligned to achieve synergy. ABBREVIATIONS CCE, Cold Chain Equipment; DHIS2, District Health Information Systems 2; DHO, District Health Officer; DPT, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus; DVS, District Vaccine Stores; EPI, Expanded Program for Immunisation; EVM, Effective Vaccine Management; FEFO, First Expiry First Out; GAVI, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation; HMIS, Health Information Management Systems; IRC, International Rescue Committee; KII, Key Informant Interview; LIAT, logistics indicator assessment tool; PATH, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health; PHC, Primary Health Care; QPPU, Quantification and Planning and Procurement Unit; SOPs, Standard Operating Procedures; SPSS, Statistical Package for Social Sciences; UNEPI, Uganda National Expanded Program for Immunisation; UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund; VPD, Vaccine Preventable Diseases; VVM, Vaccine Vial Monitors; WHO, World Health Organisation
