Microorganisms (Jul 2021)
A Microencapsulated Mixture of Eugenol and Garlic Tincture Supplementation Mitigates the Effect of Necrotic Enteritis on Intestinal Integrity and Increases Goblet Cells in Broilers
This study was conducted to examine the effects of a plant extract mixture, a microencapsulated product composed of eugenol and garlic tincture (PE), on intestinal health in broilers under necrotic enteritis (NE) challenge. A total of 960 d-old mixed-sex Cobb 500 chicks were randomly distributed to 48-floor pens housing 20 birds per pen. Six treatments were applied: UC, unchallenged control; CC, challenged control; PE, challenged group plus PE; AM, challenged group plus antimicrobial (AM); FAP, challenged group plus a full dose of AM with PE; HAP, challenged group plus a half dose of AM with PE in starter, grower and finisher phases. Birds in the challenged groups were inoculated with Eimeria spp. on d 9 and Clostridiumperfringens on d 14. On d 16, the CC group had increased serum fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-d), reduced villus surface area, goblet cell number, upregulated CLDN1, JAM2 genes and reduced microbial diversity compared to the UC group (p Bifidobacterium compared to the CC group (p CLDN5 expression in male birds, and Bacteroides spp. in female birds than CC group (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that PE supplementation mitigates the effect of NE by improving the intestinal health of birds.