Pastos y Forrajes (Jan 2023)
Efecto de alternativas de fertilización biológica en caracteres del rendimiento agrícola de Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv. UDG-110
Objective: To characterize the effect of biological fertilization alternatives on the agricultural yield performance of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv. UDG-110 under field conditions. Materials and Methods: Six treatments were evaluated: I) control without fertilizer; II) Agromenas-G- 1,5 t/ha; III) earthworm humus - 4,0 t/ha; IV) Agromenas-G 1,5 t/ha + FitoMas-E® L/ha, V) earthworm humus 4,0 t/ha + FitoMas-E® L/ha and VI) absolute control with complete formula (9-13-17), 140 kg contributed at two moments: 50 % in the furrow at sowing and 50 % at 25 days. The indicators grain weight /panicle (number), grains/panicle and total biomass in 0,75 m2 were evaluated. Data were processed by simple variance analysis for 5 % of significance. Results: For the variables weight and number of grains per panicle, significant differences were found among the different treatments (p ≤ 0,05). Treatment VI showed the best performance (51,8 and 1 468,2 g; respectively); while treatment I showed the lowest values (34,2 and 1 006,8 g; respectively). This performance was similar for panicle weight. Regarding grain yield, VI also stood out, with yields of 0,7 t/ha, which is a significant difference with regards to the other treatments (p ≤ 0,05). III and V, with no differences between them, had yields of 0,6 and 0,5 t/ha, respectively. However, the control treatment had the lowest value, with yields of 0,3 t/ha, differing from the others. Conclusions: Biological fertilization is a viable option for the production of S. bicolor cv. UDG-110, since with its use the evaluated yield traits showed acceptable results.