Neural Regeneration Research (Jan 2015)
Propofol combined with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation improves electrophysiological function in the hindlimb of rats with spinal cord injury better than monotherapy
- Yue-xin Wang,
- Jing-jing Sun,
- Mei Zhang,
- Xiao-hua Hou,
- Jun Hong,
- Ya-jing Zhou,
- Zhi-yong Zhang
- Yue-xin Wang
- Jing-jing Sun
- Mei Zhang
- Xiao-hua Hou
- Jun Hong
- Ya-jing Zhou
- Zhi-yong Zhang
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10,
no. 4
pp. 636 – 643
The repair effects of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation on nervous system damage are not satisfactory. Propofol has been shown to protect against spinal cord injury. Therefore, this study sought to explore the therapeutic effects of their combination on spinal cord injury. Rat models of spinal cord injury were established using the weight drop method. Rats were subjected to bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation via tail vein injection and/or propofol injection via tail vein using an infusion pump. Four weeks after cell transplantation and/or propofol treatment, the cavity within the spinal cord was reduced. The numbers of PKH-26-positive cells and horseradish peroxidase-positive nerve fibers apparently increased in the spinal cord. Latencies of somatosensory evoked potentials and motor evoked potentials in the hindlimb were noticeably shortened, amplitude was increased and hindlimb motor function was obviously improved. Moreover, the combined effects were better than cell transplantation or propofol injection alone. The above data suggest that the combination of propofol injection and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation can effectively improve hindlimb electrophysiological function, promote the recovery of motor funtion, and play a neuroprotective role in spinal cord injury in rats.
- spinal cord injury
- propriospinal system
- neural plasticity
- fiber sprouting
- neural repair
- compensation
- regeneration
- propriospinal detours
- neurotrophic factors
- cell-adhesive ligands
- dorsal root ganglia
- nerve growth factor
- biomaterials
- elastin-like proteins
- Alzheimer′s disease
- apoptosis
- autophagy
- central nervous system
- CCN4
- diabetes mellitus
- erythropoietin
- IGF-1
- mTOR
- neuron
- neuropathy
- oxidative stress
- psychiatric
- stem cells
- Wnt
- peripheral nerve injury
- nerve graft
- nerve conduit
- Wallerian degeneration
- neurotrophic factors
- veins
- autografts
- nerve regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- neuroprotection
- resveratrol
- cerebral ischemia
- cerebral infarction
- matrix metalloproteinase
- molecular docking
- extracellular matrix
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- vagus nerve stimulation
- cerebral ischemia
- inflammatory cytokines
- infarct volume
- neurological function
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- Xingnao Kaiqiao needling method
- ischemic stroke
- randomized controlled trial
- systemic reviews
- meta-analysis
- long-term efficacy
- mortality
- recurrence
- disability
- adverse reactions
- health economics indicators
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- cerebral ischemia
- hippocampus
- blood flow
- isolated basilar artery
- dose-response curve
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- traumatic brain injury
- coma
- median nerve electrical stimulation
- wake-promoting
- orexin-A
- OX1R
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- seizure
- antiepileptic drugs
- immature brain
- hippocampus
- synaptic plasticity
- glutamate receptor
- NSFC grant
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- puerarin
- in vitro experiments
- co-culture
- neurons
- astrocytes
- Transwell
- neonatal rats
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- inflammatory reaction
- interleukin-6
- voltage-gated Na + channel
- cortical neurons
- cerebrospinal fluid
- neuroimmunomodulation
- neuroprotection
- action potential
- patch clamp
- neurophysiology
- NSFC grants
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- brain injury
- cognition disorders
- diagnostic techniques
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale
- event-related potential
- neuronal plasticity
- electrophysiology
- neuropsychology
- activity of daily living
- work capacity evaluation
- electroencephalogram
- neural regeneration
- NSFC grant
- nerve regeneration
- cerebral palsy
- corticospinal tract
- diffusion tensor
- hemiplegia
- motor
- rehabilitation
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- matrix metalloproteinase 9
- cervical and intracranial angioplasty and stenting
- restenosis
- intracranial artery stenosis
- neural regeneration
- nerve regeneration
- bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
- propofol
- spinal cord injury
- cell transplantation
- electrophysiology
- motor function
- stem cells
- neuroprotection
- neural regeneration