Acta Carsologica (May 2016)

Multiparameter Observations of the Reka Flood Pulse in March 2000

  • Janja Kogovšek

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31, no. 2


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Podani so rezultati meritev temperature, pH, specifične el. prevodnosti in raztopljenega kisika ter analiz vsebnosti nitratov, o-fosfatov, kloridov, biokemijske in kemijske potrebe po kisiku v poplavnem valu konec marca 2000, ko je pretok Reke pri Cerkvenikovem mlinu porasel s 13,2 na 112 m3 /s. Napravljena je ocena prenosa onesnaženja po merjenih komponentah in primerjava z manjšim poplavnim valom maja 1999. This article aims to offer the results of temperature, pH, specific electric conductivity and dissolved oxygen measurements as well as analyses of nitrate, o-phosphate and chloride levels and biochemical and chemical oxygen demand in a flood pulse at the end of March 2000 when the Reka discharge at Cerkvenikov mlin increased from 13.2 to 112 m3/s. An estimation of pollution transport according to measured components and comparison with a smaller flood pulse in May 1999 are given.