Remote Sensing (Apr 2019)

Volcanic Cloud Top Height Estimation Using the Plume Elevation Model Procedure Applied to Orthorectified Landsat 8 Data. Test Case: 26 October 2013 Mt. Etna Eruption

  • Marcello de Michele,
  • Daniel Raucoules,
  • Stefano Corradini,
  • Luca Merucci,
  • Giuseppe Salerno,
  • Pasquale Sellitto,
  • Elisa Carboni

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 7
p. 785


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In this study, we present a method for extracting the volcanic cloud top height (VCTH) as a plume elevation model (PEM) from orthorectified Landsat 8 data (Level 1). A similar methodology was previously applied to raw Landsat-8 data (Level 0). But level 0 data are not the standard product provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/United States Geological Survey (USGS). Level 0 data are available only on demand and consist on 14 data stripes multiplied by the number of multispectral bands. The standard product for Landsat 8 is the ortho image, available free of charge for end-users. Therefore, there is the need to adapt our previous methodology to Level 1 Landsat data. The advantages of using the standard Landsat products instead of raw data mainly include the fast -ready to use- availability of the data and free access to registered users, which is of major importance during volcanic crises. In this study, we adapt the PEM methodology to the standard Landsat-8 products, with the aim of simplifying the procedure for routine monitoring, offering an opportunity to produce PEM maps. In this study, we present the method. Our approach is applied to the 26 October 2013 Mt. Etna episodes comparing results independent VCTH measures from the spinning enhanced visible and infrared imager (SEVIRI) and the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS).
