Российский кардиологический журнал (Aug 2013)
Pleiotropic effects of trimetazidine
Aim. To investigate potential pleiotropic effects of trimetazidine (PreductalMB) in patients with stable effort angina. Material and methods. This randomised controlled clinical study included 95 patients with Functional Class I–III stable effort angina and Stage 2–3 arterial hypertension. Clinical effectiveness of pharmacological therapy was assessed by expert-evaluated subjective and objective criteria, with the calculation of the treatment effectiveness index (%) (Patent No. 58859 A [8],Ukraine). Results. The complex pharmacological therapy of coronary heart disease (CHD) was twice as effective after the addition of trimetazidine, due to increased antianginal action and exercise capacity. Trimetazidine also reduced energy deficiency and tissue hypoxia in myocardial ischemia. Pleiotropic effects of trimetazidine (antiatherosclerotic, anti-inflammatory, and stress-limiting) could justify the extended indications for this medication. Conclusion. In a randomised clinical trial including patients with stable effort angina, the effectiveness of complex pharmacotherapy was doubled by additional administration of trimetazidine (Preductal MB 35 mg twice per day for 6 weeks), due to increased antianginal effects and exercise capacity.