Paediatrica Indonesiana (Feb 2007)

Factors related to missed opportunities for immunization at urban and suburban primary health centers in Medan

  • Oke Rina Ramayani,
  • Ridwan M. Daulay,
  • Sri Sofyani,
  • Iskandar Z. Lubis

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 47, no. 1
pp. 21 – 6


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Background Missed opportunites for immunization is one of the important causes of low immunization coverage that should be prevented. Objective To investigate missed opportunities for immunization and related factors at urban and suburban primary health centers in Medan. Methods A cross sectional study was conducted between January- March 2004. Primary health centers in Medan were divided into urban (20 primary health centers) and suburban (19 primary health centers) groups. The sample size was 109 children who visited primary health centers for immunization. Study was done by a questionnaire taken after infants received immunization (exit interview). Results The proportion of missed opportunities in urban and suburban area was 22.3% (95% CI 16.9%;27.7%) and 29.9% (95% CI 24.0%;35.2%) (P=0.191), respectively. Factors such as age of starting immunization, number of children more than 4, and low parental attitude about immunization (P=0.001) were related to missed opportunities for immunization. Conclusions There is no difference between proportion of missed opportunities at primary health centers in urban and suburban area. Related factors to missed opportunities for immunization are age of starting immunization older than 3 months, number of children more than 4, and low parental attitude about immunization.
