NURE Investigación (Jul 2009)
Alternative guidelines of treatment of the pain in the low risk labor
Since centuries the man worries for making more pleasant and less painful the birth. In the last years it was thought that giving birth without pain was a great advance for women. More recently ideological patterns like the feminism and ecologism? have fed a critical spirit in the woman who is going to give birth. In this sense the use of the epidural analgesia during labor is a fact on which neither women nor professionals have still a defined opinion, being an extended discussion between two factions with contrary views. This fact has caused a research effort increase regarding the convenience and applicability of several alternative analgesic techniques. In this review we analyzed current scientific literature to value the convenience of the application of different analgesic alternatives in the attendance of pain of woman in labor.It is surprising the lack of a complete and healthy conceptual frame, in a subject where so much has been written and researched, therefore we concluded the necessity of a broader research in this field to formulate a scientific healthy frame, based on evidence, and clinically useful for the management of the analgesia during the labor.