IEEE Access (Jan 2025)
SambaMixer: State of Health Prediction of Li-Ion Batteries Using Mamba State Space Models
The state of health (SOH) of a Li-ion battery is determined by complex interactions among its internal components and external factors. Approaches leveraging deep learning architectures have been proposed to predict the SOH using convolutional networks, recurrent networks, and transformers. Recently, Mamba selective state space models have emerged as a new sequence model that combines fast parallel training with data efficiency and fast sampling. In this paper, we propose SambaMixer, a Mamba-based model for predicting the SOH of Li-ion batteries using multivariate time signals measured during the battery’s discharge cycle. Our model is designed to handle analog signals with irregular sampling rates and recuperation effects of Li-ion batteries. We introduce a novel anchor-based resampling method as an augmentation technique. Additionally, we improve performance and learn recuperation effects by conditioning the prediction on the sample time and cycle time difference using positional encodings. We evaluate our model on the NASA battery discharge dataset, reporting MAE, RMSE, and MAPE. Our model outperforms previous methods based on CNNs and recurrent networks, reducing MAE by 52%, RMSE by 43%, and MAPE by 7%.