Tropicultura (Jan 2000)
Utilisation de quelques farines animales locales dans l'alimentation du poulet de chair
Use of Some Local Animal Protein Sources in the Feeding of Broilers. Two trials were conducted in view of determining the optimum conditions of using animal by-products in the feeding of broiler chicks. In the first experiment 600 broiler chicks of "Shaver" breed were distributed in 12 pens and received 4 treatments : blood meal, minerai nitrogen and vitaminated concentrate, fish meal and the fourth treatment was a combination of blood and fish meal. In the second experiment, 648 broiler chicks of "Arbor Acres" breed were used in 4 treatments : a combination of blood meal and fish meal, blood meal and meat meal, fish meal plus meat meal and the last treatment a combination of the three protein sources. Each experiment lasted 8 weeks. Both experiments showed that blood meal alone was not a good protein source for broilers, however the combination of different protein sources gave good results.