Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften (Jun 2024)

John Carpenters ›Halloween‹ – Beispiel einer softwaregestützten Spannungsanalyse

  • Julian Sittel



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Based on the exemplary research project for the investigation of a horror film corpus, the system for the categorical classification and annotation of suspense content as well as the results of the algorithmic recognition of shot lengths, camera sizes, brightness and volume values and faces are presented. If the initiation of a fear reaction can be regarded as the functional core of the suspense experience of a horror film, the work uses explorative-statistical methods to determine regularities in the structure of relevant content in this regard. These largely invariant presentation features are compared with the stimulus materials of experimental work on film perception for so-called functional interpretation. The reference works from the fields of cognitive science and neuroscience make it possible to hypothesise how horror films coordinate certain modalities in order to support receptive activities such as anticipation or reaction to danger. In the end, the quantitatively comprehensible interplay between content and form allows the conclusion that slasher films simulate characteristics of moments of danger to which the audience is naturally sensitised.
