Études romanes de Brno (Jul 2024)
Migration of literary texts back to FFL classes : results and interpretation of quantitative research among FFL teachers in the Czech Republic
Many didacticians (cf. Naturel 1995; Cuq et Gruca 2005; Riquois 2019; Fiévet 2013; Defays et al. 2014; Godard 2015) are of the opinion that literary texts have the potential to develop not only linguistic, cultural, and aesthetic competences, but also intellectual competences of the learners thanks to the migration of imagination that is created by their reading experience. In French as a foreign language textbooks, which are primarily based on communicative competence, reading of literary texts have often been marginalized. This article reflects on the question of whether teachers of French as a foreign language at Czech eight-year grammar schools perceive literary texts as a tool for the development of socio-cultural contexts and for the overall improvement of the key skills of their learners. The present text proposes an interpretation of the results of the questionnaire that took place in March and April 2022, as well as a reflection on the role of reading literary texts in French as a foreign language classrooms from the perspective of teachers.