Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej (Jun 2015)

Eksperymentalny korpus litewskiej gwary puńskiej w Polsce (narzędzie do badań nad gwarami polskimi i litewskimi na Suwalszczyźnie)

  • Danuta Roszko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48


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Experimental corpus of the Lithuanian local dialect of Puńsk in Poland (a tool for the study on the Polish and Lithuanian local dialects in the Suwałki Region) The linguistic resources included in EkorpGP present a great cognitive value for Polish and Lithuanian dialectologists. Particularly valuable for researchers of the Lithuanian local dialects, including the local dialect of Puńsk, is subcorpus A. The material included in EKorpGP confirms that the local dialect is incessantly evolving. The typical dialectal features vanish for the sake of the standardized Lithuanian language. Whereas, subcorpora B and C are a good base for studies on the processes of the language interference in the speech of the bilingual Lithuanians of Puńsk. Amongst the potential recipients of these subcorpora it is possible also to find dialectologists dealing with the local dialects of the Suwałki Region, as well as researchers of the Polish language spoken to the east of the Polish border. The polonization suggested in EKorpGP (with reference to subcorpus A) along with subcorpora B and C will ensure a credible source of information for a wide circle of researchers of the phenomena of sociological, ethnological, cultural and historical nature. It should also be taken into account that the issues raised in the utterances given by the Lithuanians of Puńsk will capture the interest of politicians dealing with the national minorities in Poland. The extraordinary value of the materials collected in EKorpGP results from the fact that they reflect the economic, political and civilization transformations of the turbulent period of 1986–2012 in Poland, Lithuania and Europe.
