INFAD (Dec 2019)
High and low presence in the search for tangible reinforcements outside the school scope: perfectionism differences in Ecuadorian population
Perfectionism shows a multidimensional character whose main characteristic in the subjects that possess it is to establish excessively high standards, self-assessing with too much rigor. For this reason, studies that address it have focused their conceptualization on observing the tendency to psychopathological disorders. On the other hand, school rejection, among other aspects, shows one of the causes whose logic lies in the pursuit of tangible reinforcement outside of school. That is, that rejection focuses on the refusal to attend the school because it is considered boring and it is preferred to be with friends or doing recreational activities. The objective of the following work was to analyze the statistically significant differences of perfectionism with students with high and low levels of the pursuit of tangible reinforcement outside of school. The Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS) was used to assess perfectionism, and the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children (SRAS-R-C) to measure school rejection. The sample of the selected population reached a total of 1920 students between 1º and 3º of Baccalaureate. The results show differences in the groups with high and low levels of the IV SRAS-RC factor, in Socially Prescribed Perfectionism (SPP), Self-Oriented Perfectionism-Strivings (SOP-S) and Self-Oriented Perfectionism-Critical (SOP-C), observing scores higher in SPP (d = .37), SOP-S (d = .38), and SOP-C (d = .14) in those students with high levels of school rejection compared to their peers with lower levels of refusal school. In conclusion, the present study collaborates with new knowledge in the scientific-educational field, and encourages further research on the subject, taking into account the psychological and academic impact that can contribute to the Ecuadorian youth population.