Poultry Science (Oct 2023)
Economic and environmental assessment of U.S. broiler production: opportunities to improve sustainability
ABSTRACT: The United States is the largest broiler producer in the world, and Americans consume about 45 kg of chicken per capita per year, which generates substantial economic and environmental footprints. We conduct techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment (TEA/LCA) to evaluate the sustainability performance of the U.S. broiler industry and quantify the cost, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy, water, land, fertilizer, and respiratory impacts of 7 broiler production scenarios for a contract Grower, Integrator, and Combined control volume. The assessment is a farm-gate to farm-gate analysis that includes capital cost of chicken houses, labor, chicks brought into the farm, feeds, on-site fuels, and on-site emissions. We found that economics for the Integrator are profitable and dominated by the cost of corn and soybean meal feeds, payments to the Grower, and revenue from live broilers. Additionally, we found that economics for the Grower generate modest return on investment (ROI) largely based on the cost of houses and labor when compared to contract revenue from the Integrator. Environmental impacts for GHG, energy, and respiratory effects are primarily associated with upstream feed production (roughly 65%–80% of total impacts) and on-site fuel consumption (∼20%–35% of total impacts), while those for water, land, and eutrophication are almost entirely attributable to upstream feed production (litter spreading has a low economic allocation factor). Tradeoffs among sustainability metrics are further explored with a sensitivity analysis and by evaluating cost/environmental benefit scenarios.